Teutonia World Cup added to 2008 WCS schedule
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- Written by: IGSA
The IGSA is excited to announce the addition of the Malarrara Pro Teutonia World Cup to the 2008 IGSA World Cup Series. Teutonia, Brazil will be the location of the fastest downhill skateboard and street luge event in history October 24-26, 2008.
Jeep World of Adventure Sports Broadcast Date Announced
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- Written by: IGSA

The Maryhill Festival of Speed will be featured on NBC's Jeep World of Adventure Sports Oct 11 from 2:30-4:00 PM ET.
Photo John Huey
On Saturday, October 11 be sure to watch NBC's Jeep World of Adventure Sports. The program will air from 2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time and feature the recent Maryhill Festival of Speed / IGSA World Championships held in Goldendale, Washington. Check your local listings for the air time in your area. For more information visit www.worldofadventuresports.com